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Writer's pictureTrikaya Cosmos

Mastering Life

Why only a few among us can claim to be healthy, thriving in our life endeavours and rejoicing in our wellbeing and relationships?

Why it so happens that when it comes to find a right way of living, we all seems to be ever in “work in progress” mode. We busy ourselves seeking more knowledge, wisdom and guidance and keep trying new things and ways. This perpetual “trying” bereft us from real living and taking us to even a higher life conundrum than the famous quote of William Shakespeare, “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players…”

Why it so happens that an expert in one branch of wellness, say yoga, is found lacking in emotional and relational aspects of life? We may be physically fit but suffer emotionally in our relationships with family, colleagues and friends. Many of us do not see relevance of spirituality in our day to day life too.

Is there one way or multiple ways is the answer to our life quest? Confused, many a times, we accept status quo as a part of life– Life is like that!

Today, fitness cult outfits, gyms, health studios, trainers and yoga instructor; emotional solution providers with acclaimed psychologists and psychiatrists and spiritual gurus offering immediate emancipation with their wisdom, all provide solace through their specific area of their expertise. We start praising them for their vocation rather than appreciating resolution of our life issues. Over specialisations in medical field and packaged solutions equally fail to address our life issues in an integrated way.

Aren’t we supposed to be our own doctor taking care of ourselves for that elusive holistic health? Who can stitch the threads of physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of our life and create a transformation framework to realise our ultimate potential?

What is the way?

This life complexity and conundrum compels us to relook beyond our present frame work of Problem-Solution and question from the point we pivot our life. This pivot, for many, does not spring out intuitively and requires projecting and connecting the dots of life’s multi dimensions – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Economical and a lot of other life contexts hidden deep in the memory lanes. The outward logical thinking frame of reference, requires a way of assisted self-reflection, to give way for a higher wisdom to be drawn.

From this vintage seeing, one gets a first glimpse of the real pivot and discovers self-anew! Beginning of the Know thyself!

As we traverse our life, we are bound to face headwind and tail wind of consequences too. Let us come out of a utopian way of living life – a life of no problems! Everyday chasing the rainbow of blissful life, which no one except the great ones have realised, will only frustrate us. We need clarity on where we are headed and before we get busy with accumulating resources for the journey, we need to be earnest about our wellbeing and wellness who need to drive it through! Should you be not in the best of health before and during the complete course of life as you embark on a life full of meaning and purpose.

Many of us do not realise that our physical, emotional and spiritual wellness are interlinked! Blind following will neither address an indisciplined way of living nor will it address tactfulness of relationship issues.

Who will connect life dots for us?

Who can point us to the right direction? What is the process to be followed to address our life issues in our context and life situations?

Inspired by the above thoughts, Dr Harish Pant and Dr Sharda Shirke both coming from diverse fields, expertise and experiences, joined hands, heads and soul calling to find a solution that combines corporate, medical, professional experiences and spiritual wisdom. They developed a reflective path wherein you find your answers and chart your path of development. In sort, be a Guru to yourself without any dependence from outside - “Appo Deepo Bhavo”, as enshrined by the Buddha.

Dr Harish Pant (a much sought after professional has 35+ years of corporate experience) and Dr Sharda Shirke (25+ years of medical practice) have not only cracked the codes of holistic wellness but also rooted in discovering self and transforming, through connecting to higher meaning and purpose in life, to reach your highest potential.

This deeper intent led to the formation of Trikaya Cosmos. Our aim is -

"Transforming individuals to attain higher purpose and meaning in their life through a customised approach."

The hitherto known wellness is now possible to be redefined as holistic wellness encompassing physical, emotional and spiritual wellness with a scientifically designed and practical approach to benefit each and every individual.

Trikaya Cosmos offer a variety of memberships, programs and solutions.

Dr Pant & Dr Shirke mission, as they strive each day, is to transform a million lives in the next five years.

Will you “Be The One!” is not a great ASK!!

To know more about Trikaya Cosmos visit

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